
who? me?

Tonight we had a missionary present his work. I had nursery duty, but I ended up working in the morning instead, so I was excited!
I was thinking, Sweet! I should get some good notes! Maybe I can do a bog post tonight!
Well, he didn't even really preach. He just had his presentation go for the duration of the service. And it was good, don't get me wrong!
He is excited and ready to get to work in Peru.
But by the time I realized the presentation would be too long for him to  preach preach, I was kinda disappointed. Then, at the conclusion he said, " If you don't remember anything else, remember this: 1, God uses regular people and 2, it is an HONOR to serve God.
Ok, so that's not awfully original....
It's true!
Who was David? A shepherd. Culturally, that's a pretty lowly occupation. Like, the youngest-in-a-big-family's job.
Who was the lad with the five loaves and two fishes? We don't even know his name...
How about the little servant girl who told Naaman about the prophet Elisha? Same story.
And the majority of the disciples? The people who were closest to the creator of the Universe? Fisherman. No offense, but they aren't exactly the most sophisticated folks in the world.

So it's true. The Bible shows it clearly. Just in case you had that as an excuse in the back of your mind for not being on fire for the Lord, pitch it.

Which brings me to my next spiel. Yep, you guys are gettin' a double whammie tonight.
LAST Sunday we had a guest preacher speak, and it was fantastic.
I wont give you the full outline. I'll skip the introduction (just kidding!)
He told about a young man who was called to witness to the Muslims of China. He went to Egypt for a while to learn and become accustomed to the culture. During that time, he contracted (some kind of very painful disease related to paralysis). He kept a journal, and in intervals, these points could be read:
No reserve.
A little later
No retreat.
No regrets.

Wow. To me, that speaks volumes.
That's takes commitment.
That takes dedication.
That's a lifestyle.

I had to question myself: Am I living that way? Do I have any reserve? Do I ever retreat? Will I have  regrets?
To live this way is a great aspiration, and yet, how can we consent to live any other way?? We're serving the Creator and Ruler of the universe here! Our purpose is to bring glory and praise to the one who left Heaven's throne to sacrifice himself on a shameful cross, to be separated from the heavenly Father!!
How CAN we live any other way?

Lord, give regular, old me the grace, give me the patience, give me the fortitude  to live with no reserve, no retreat, no regrets, for You. 
Because I may be regular, but my God is not.
PS. Please remember to pray for the Miller family, missionaries to the people of Peru.

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